Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Seasons of Vicki's Eden

for your listening enjoyment, this is Come Rain or Come Shine by Ray Charles
Let me make a very special introduction to my longtime girlfriend Vicki Petulla.
A beautiful person, with an amazing eye for beauty and the most magic green thumb !
( I can't believe she doesn't do this for a living ! )

She and her husband and son live in an adorable stone home in The San Francisco Bay Area
No gardeners involved, all done herself !  She calls it her "therapy".

Her whole yard is a symphony of green sprinkled with seasonal vignettes

Her late summer front porch ...

A to die for backyard in all it's autumnal glory
still, no match to the warmth of her company...

Her front porch urn transformations in the fall ...

Love the use of metal strapping from wine barrels 
to fashion architectural spheres 

a perfect little spot for a little springtime tete a tete
tucked in her backyard full of french antiques

Just as in life, a sweet surprise is at every turn !

Thank you Vicki for a peek into the wonderful world you created !
Your good soul is so evident in all that you touch
 Thank you for the ( has it been ? ) 25 years of inspiration !
Love ya !!! xoxo

For a complete tour of her gorgeous home, inside and out, you can go here and here


The Zhush said...

Gorgeous green I need to see the rest!

Dolce Dreams said...

SOOOO incredible! Just gorgeous, I am off to see the rest! And thank you for reminding me of my love for Ray Charles, I haven't listened to him for awhile and I am IN...
welcome back, hope life is getting lighter

Cafe Bellini said...

Wow she is amazing! I would so love to have a GREEN garden like that but I can't even get potted flowers to survive. I need her magic green thumb!

Paul Clancy said...

Oh wow, only just found this post. Vicki's planting is quite beautiful. The barrel strap idea is incredible.