Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Marquees ~ Twinkling Again

A little over a year ago,
 I made a hard decision.
Due to lack of space, I stopped creating marquee signs.
But new design concepts kept popping up
and continual requests from you
had me realize that I am not done.
When something persistently knocks on your heart
you have to answer it, right ?
So today, I am moving into a new studio space
so I can return to my inner twinkle !
1st up ?  A giant champagne bottle
If you are interested in receiving emails
on the latest light-up creations just pop me an email at:


Dru Brenner~Beck said...


Irusja11 said...

Wow! I love it:)

Chrisy said...

Fabulous sign!

Nathalie Blanco said...

I absolutely love this!

halloween said...

I was very encouraged to find this site. I wanted to thank you for this special read. I definitely savored every little bit of it and I have bookmarked you to check out new stuff you post.

Infant costume