Can you see what this white and lovely art is made from ?

Look a little closer

Yes, that's right, it's just plain and lowly toilet paper !
Made by turkish artist Sakir Gökcebag

A contrast that leaves me inspired
to challenge myself
to re evaluate and elevate
how I see ordinary things
In other words ... find and create your OWN beauty

Albert Einstein, a big proponent of creative play says it best ~
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world"

Wishing you all an extra~ordinary day full of discovery
It seems like you can do just about anything with wholesale toilet paper these days. I have been looking at toilet paper art all morning because I have a class project where we have to turn an everyday item into a work of art. Thank you for the inspiration!
wowowow this is a amazing job
I can now safely say I have seen everything! How creative. Found you through IG...small world.
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